We Are Monster Network Day, 27th May 2023

by Davina Vencatasamy & Michaela de Cruz

On the 27th of May 2023, we held our first face-to-face ‘We are Monster’ meeting. We had been connecting with each other on the ‘We Are Monster’ online platform and sharing information and stories that impact music therapists of colour and it became clear that doing this in person was much-needed.

Making space for ourselves

It was a full and fulfilling day of speaking honestly, being witnesses, and holding space for all of our diverse experiences as music therapists of colour. We were a mixture of long qualified therapists, those still in training, and everything in between. Through all the different stages, the accounts of microaggressions, pain and hurt caused by being subjected to insensitive presumptions or clear cases of racism linked us together, further highlighting the need for change. Having others to share some of those experiences with, without needing to censor ourselves or consider the white gaze was liberating and perhaps a new experience for some in the group. The freedom to be ourselves amongst each other also created space for authenticity and joy. This experience of genuine empathy and compassion, of sharing a lived language that does not need to be translated, is an experience that needs to exist in far more spaces. In this group and in this meeting, we created one for music therapy, a space for us! – the first of its kind. We know this is something to celebrate and cherish.

Soundbath with Hari Trivedi

We spent some quality time with Hari Trivedi, a qualified tantric healer and master of the tabla. After taking us on a historical and musical walkthrough of the tabla, he opened up a healing space for us to connect with our chakras. This was so welcome on a day when many of us were reliving racial traumas. Listen to some of his music on Spotify and immerse yourself in this one, featuring our very own Davina Vencatasamy. Thanks, Hari! We need your wisdom and groundedness and we owe you a great deal of gratitude for spending your time with us on our network day.